Sleep apnea is a very serious condition and is much more than just snoring. Your breathing actually stops or is very shallow. Read on to see if you exhibit the signs of this serious affliction and learn what you can do to help you get a healthier night of sleep.
If you have moderate to severe sleep apnea, lose some weight. Being over-weight or obese can affect your breathing severely and can cause many health problems, including sleep apnea. Those individuals who lost at least twenty to twenty-five excess pounds saw a marked improvement in respiratory issues related to sleep apnea.
Do not take sleeping pills if you suffer from sleep apnea. These pills are not recommended if you suffer from this condition because they relax the muscles of your throat. Skipping them can actually help you get a better night of sleep because your apnea symptoms are not aggravated.
Start sleeping on your side. When you sleep on your back and have sleep apnea, your airway gets block by your tongue and throat tissues. To avoid rolling onto your back once you are asleep, try sleeping with pillows cushioning your side. This helps prevent you from turning onto your back.
Alway travel with your CPAP machine if you suffer from the symptoms of sleep apnea. Once you have a CPAP machine, neglecting to use it for even one night can cause problems. Your machine probably came with a convenient carrying bag. Use this bag to carry your CPAP whenever you travel.
If you are concerned your snoring may be sleep apnea, try keeping a sleep diary. You would keep a record of the hours you sleep, how many times you wake at night, and whether you feel refreshed the next day. Also, if you have a bedmate, ask them if your snoring is loud and frequent and if you exhibit any gasping or choking sounds.
You will find it easier to go to sleep and remain asleep if you follow a schedule. Go to bed at the same time, follow a bedtime routine if it helps you relax and get at least eight hours of sleep every night. Create the ideal environment for you to sleep in.
Anyone who suffers from sleep apnea should avoid using sleeping pills. It can be tempting to try to use them to help you sleep better, but these pills can relax your throat muscles and make your sleep apnea worse. They also have a number of other side effects that can be unpleasant.
Play wind instruments. This is not only a good way to expand your horizons, but it will also strengthen the muscles that are the source of sleep apnea problems. Exercising these muscles will make them stronger, thus, making them less likely to collapse while you sleep, which will improve airflow to your lungs.
One great way to track your sleep progress, especially if you sleep alone, is by recording yourself in the night. The next day you can watch for signs of apnea and see if there are specific times or triggers that cause Have a peek here href="">Click to find out more the apnea. This is a great resource for your medical professional as well.
For those individuals that suffer from sleep apnea, sometimes the position that you sleep in can make a difference. Try sleeping on your side. Many times when people sleep on their backs, their tongues can block the airways making it harder to breath, and causing sleep apnea symptoms to appear.
Prior to going to bed, it is important to open up your nasal passages. This is so that you get enough air flow. To open up More helpful hints the nasal passages, you read more may want to use saline spray, a nasal dilator, a neti pot, breathing strips or whatever your Continue reading doctor may have recommended.
If you suffer from sleep apnea, change your sleeping position to reduce the number of sleep apnea events. Sleep on your side instead of on your back to lessen the likelihood that the soft tissue in the back of the throat will collapse and block your air passages. Prop a pillow behind your back to help you stay on your side as you sleep.
Don't take sleeping pills. You may feel like the answer to your sleep problems would be a pill to help you sleep, but it's not! Sedatives and other sleep aids cause your muscles, including your throat muscles, to relax. Relaxed throat muscles are even harder to control while sleeping and are a danger to those who suffer from sleep apnea.
Subscribe to a good health insurance policy. Being diagnosed with sleep apnea might cause your premiums to go up, but purchasing a good policy will help you cover the cost of your CPAP machine and frequent visits to the doctor. Compare different policies and purchase the most coverage you can afford.
If nothing works for your sleep apnea, think about getting surgery. Having your tonsils or adenoids removed or some work down to your nose could make your symptoms go away. Before you get surgery, make sure you know what is causing your sleep apnea: your doctor should be able to recognize over-sized tonsils.
Be compliant with treatments. It can be tempting to take a night off with some of the more demanding sleep apnea treatment regimens, but you'll definitely notice a difference in your energy levels the next day. Once your treatments become effective in helping you sleep well, you will begin to appreciate your doctor's advice.
If you suffer from sleep apnea and are tired of always feeling tired, there are simple tips which can help you to begin conquering this condition which is robbing you of your sleep. The first thing you should look at is your weight since being overweight can contribute to your problem. In many cases, sleep apnea is caused by your airway being blocked by tissue in the throat. If you are overweight, it is easier for excess tissue to contribute to blockage of your airway. After you lose a few pounds, you will notice a significant difference.
As you have learned from the above article, sleep apnea is serious and needs to be treated. You have been given tips on what to look for and ideas what can help, but always check with a doctor first and foremost. You don't want to try to treat this on your own. Soon, you will be sleeping more restfully.